Acupuncture influences a re-balancing of your energy and a return to health and well being by addressing the underlying root cause of disease, rather than the isolated treatment of your symptoms.
Research and clinical experience shows that acupuncture can be effective in treating a wide range of conditions. It can also be used along side conventional medicine in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases.
Find out more about treatments, such as what acupuncture actually feels like, or what treatment involves.
Most people are unsure of what actually happens during their first session, not to worry we can tell you right now to put your mind at ease.
If you are unsure about whether acupuncture can help you, you are welcome to arrange a free 20-30 minute appointment at the clinic to discuss your needs.
The British Acupuncture has produced factsheets for
many conditions providing summaries of research and
how acupuncture may be beneficial. These include: